
Today I am going to explain a 2014 Adventure Action film called Exodus Gods and Kings.

Today I am going to explain a 2014 Adventure Action film called Exodus Gods and Kings. Ancient Egypt, 1300 BC, For 400 years, the Hebrews  have been slaves to Egypt. Egypt’s statuestha cities, and glory all of it were built by the  Hebrews. In all the time that they have been suffering under the hands of the Egyptians,  they have never forgotten their homeland, and have always prayed to get back home.  Just like they never forgot their homeland, the Hebrews never forgot their God  either. And God has not forgotten them.  The opening scene of the film sees a man named  Moses sitting among the generals in Memphis, the palace of the Pharaoh. A meeting was  taking place regarding the Hittite Army, which was camping outside Kadesh. Worried about the  Hittite Army attacking the palace, the Pharaoh, Seti the First, told the generals to huddle  together as he told them what to do. Afterward,   Seti consulted the High Priestess, who then  divined a prophecy from the entrails of a bi

Today I am going to explain a 2020 Horror film called Hellhole.

Today I am going to explain a 2020 Horror film called Hellhole. During an eclipse in 1957, a priest sneakily  enters a church with a newborn baby who has a unique mark on his left chest.  The priest lays the crying baby on the altar before he starts praying. As soon as the priest finishes praying, he takes out a dagger and holds it up against the  baby, referring to the baby as “an evil seed”.  Just then, militia arrive at the church,  ordering the priest to drop his weapon. The priest appeals to the militia, claiming  that they do not understand what he is doing.  The soldiers are left with no choice but to  shoot the priest and rescue the baby afterwards.  Thirty years later after the incident, an  undercover priest and exorcist who identifies himself as Father Marek, unboards a bus on an  eerie-looking highway.He takes out a map and smokes a cigarette before arriving at a church. Marek is welcomed by a monk named Prior Andrzej, as he expresses his gratitude to  Marek for

Today I am going to explain a 2016 Horror Thriller film called "Killing Ground".

Today I am going to explain a 2016 Horror Thriller film called Killing Ground. as the film starts we are shown a family. they  were on a camping in jungle, there were a total of four people in that family, a husband and wife,  their elder daughter em, and a younger son name ollie, thier father was cooking dinner at night,  they talk after having dinner, and then they sleep in their tent. the next day, ollie's parents were  going for hiking and ask em to join them, em says that i am not going and will stay here. they're  about to leave but their daughter stops them to click a family picture. then the husband and wife  leaves from there with ollie. when they left, their daughter was alone so she feels someone's  presence there, she sees around her because she was alone, she felt scared. that's why she  goes and sits in her car. after some time, a car stops behind her car. a man comes out of  that car whose name is german. there was one more man with a german w

Today I am going to explain a 2017 Action Adventure film called Kong Skull Island.

Today I am going to explain a 2017 Action Adventure film called Kong Skull Island. goes wrong, the expedition team must find a way to escape. They have no idea that their presence in the island poses a threat not only for themselves but also for its inhabitants, most especially to a giant ape known as Kong. The story begins in 1944. Two enemy soldiers, an American and a Japanese, crashed on what appeared to be a deserted island somewhere in the South Pacific. Despite just surviving their earlier ordeal, the two soldiers did not waste any time in attacking each other. The American fired all of his bullets against the Japanese, but all missed its mark. In retaliation, the Japanese chased the American with a sword. After a brief game of cat and mouse, the American reached a cliff and had nowhere else to run. A short fight ensued at the precipice, almost ending in a victory for the Japanese. But when the Japanese were about to kill his enemy, a giant ape appeared out of nowhere

Today I am going to explain a 2015 Hollywood Romance film called Bad sister.

Today I am going to explain a 2015 Hollywood Romance film called Bad sister. The movie starts with Jason, a guy who is playing  the guitar. He records his playing and uploads it to his YouTube channel, earning him many fans  especially among the ladies. The story continues when Jason and his sister, Zoe Brady, are dropped  off by their parents back to school after the end of the vacation. Their arrival is welcomed by  Rebecca, the sister headmistress of their school.   There, Rebecca meets Sophia, a sister who has just  been transferred to that school by the foundation.   Sophia will be Jason and Zoe's homeroom teacher.  Then, Rebecca took Sophia to her room while showing her around the school. Unintentionally, they met  with Jason. Rebecca introduced Sophia to Jason as his new homeroom teacher. After that, Sophia  arrived at her room and relaxed while using her laptop. Apparently, Sophia is one of Jason's  fans who often watches his videos on YouTube.   In fact, So

In ancient Greece, the kings with slave girls did bad things! It is presented here.

In ancient Greece, the kings with slave girls did bad things! It is presented here. the ancient Greeks oddly enough softly speaking were not so much tolerant towards slaves, even the most famous Greek writers and philosophers called slaves nothing less than. a living object and only free men and women were honored in Greece. While others were foreigners and strangers or xenos who had neither a citizenship nor status. since then by the way the word xenophobia I.E prejudice against strangers are a fear of strangers has appeared with all this male slaves and female slaves were nearly the backbone of the economy of ancient Greece. so any treatises of the time mentioned slaves directly or indirectly almost incessantly foreign. women and enslaved girls typically appeared in the markets in only three weeks. the first standard was captured slave girls in wars and attacks on neighbors, the second which was not so common but still existed was the sale of children into slavery by thei

Today I am going to explain a 2022 Drama Psychological thriller film called Deep Water.

Today I am going to explain a 2022 Drama Psychological thriller film called Deep Water. at the beginning of the movie, a man named Vic  Van Allen as shown coming home from his cycling routine. on the stairs, his wife, named Melinda,  appears to be sitting waiting with a smile. without  saying a word, Melinda then goes into her room. The  next scene takes us to a few days earlier, when Vic and Melinda were looking for a babysitter for  their daughter named Trixie. They do this because on that day, Vic and Melinda will be attending a party at the home of one of their best friends.   After that, Melinda called Vic into the room to  ask for his help in choosing a suitable dress for that party event. Not only that, the spoiled  Melinda even asked Vic to help put on her shoes. When Vic and Melinda arrived at the lively party,  Melinda actually left her husband. she approached   a young man named Joel Nash whom she referred to  as her close friend. Without hesitation, Melinda and