In ancient Greece, the kings with slave girls did bad things! It is presented here.

In ancient Greece, the kings with slave girls did bad things! It is presented here.

the ancient Greeks oddly enough softly speaking were not so much tolerant towards slaves, even the most famous Greek writers and philosophers called slaves nothing less than. a living object and only free men and women were honored in Greece. While others were foreigners and strangers or xenos who had neither a citizenship nor status. since then by the way the word xenophobia I.E prejudice against strangers are a fear of strangers has appeared with all this male slaves and female slaves were nearly the backbone of the economy of ancient Greece. so any treatises of the time mentioned slaves directly or indirectly almost incessantly foreign. women and enslaved girls typically appeared in the markets in only three weeks. the first standard was captured slave girls in wars and attacks on neighbors, the second which was not so common but still existed was the sale of children into slavery by their parents, for one instance a father could sell his own daughter into slavery for certain sins. for example for excessive debauchery and the third was the abandoned children who were found on the streets and pots, were simply wrapped in rags such a baby was by default no longer considered a free person and the finder had the full right to say that the child was his own slave. from then on the new Master could do whatever he wanted with the finding. The Wretched began their journey of pain in the slave market, where young girls and women stood on the platform or elevated platform. so that the buyer could assess the merits and flaws before buying, after purchasing a slave her fate depended on where she was taken if in the home either the mistress the lawful spouse or the key holder determined what kind of work the newcomer would be assigned. to the slave was sent either to the kitchen or to be employed as a laundry attendant, or to weave fabric and sew clothes. in the household slaves were assigned to weaving garlands cleaning bronze dishes and if it turned out that a slave had good taste she could be assigned to serve the landlady. dress her and even do her hair, if the owner was satisfied, she could offer her a treat but if not she could slap or beat her if the young woman was bought to satisfy the Master's whims and wishes it was one story, but in case if she was bought to help the Mistress of the house it was an entirely different story. in both cases however it should be emphasized the slave in the Master's house was between two Flames. the issue was that the official and legitimate wife always feared that the new slave might attract the Lord by her appearance her efficiency or her diligence. and the key lady usually an old slave feared that the younger slave would replace her and the old one would simply be kicked out into the street. and in this aspect the aspirations of the landlady and the main housekeeper were the same. so the intrigues begin, by any methods the official female half of the family tried to squeeze such a slave woman out of the house and get rid of the competition. there were all kinds of techniques including implicitly influencing the husband to self or give us a gift the slave girl sometimes intrigues were Twisted. so that the slave was blamed for some misdeed or unpleasant event in the house, for which she could simply be murdered and the owner was not responsible for the death.
he bought the item the item broke and what to do with it is the owner's sold right, and others should not intrude with their advice into the private life and home of others. with all the seeming barbarity of such a postulate for the ancient Greeks such a worldview was considered to be benorm in its core as stated above slaves were something like a cheap watches for their masters, they could be thrown away they broke surely this only applied to well-to-do and Rich families in low-income families it was almost impossible to kill a slave, just on a whim who would do the housework and simultaneously please the master while the news slave cost a lot of money. speaking of more intimate Pleasures women were often bought into homes for the simple purpose of providing special services to their master or Lord. there was even such a concept as the purchase of a slave for care or education. these slaves were called palaki's concubines, they were bought by older and younger Greeks the formers of the slave could provide sufficient care for the old men.
the latter to gain experience in intimacy ipalakis had to perform a lot of Duties cleaning the Master's clothes filling the bathroom serving at the table during family dinners as well as during the reception of visitors. and needless to say to satisfy the Master's needs for feminine fondness if, the master was visited by guests the slave was obliged at the Master's command to please any of those who wish to feel love. any children born to a slave were viewed as the Master's property, and had no right to the status of a free citizen.
again the child by the Master's single decision might not be left alive but simply drowned it was a rather a wild practice for a master to sell his palakis to a guest or another man purely for special services. it was not an ownership sale but a one-time action so one might say the Greek laws even set a maximum rate, that could be charged for an example the so-called flute girls or flutists slaves who could play the flute and entertain gas with music among other things, did not have to cost more than two drachmas for special privileges true there were obviously some exceptions, history has preserved the case when the owner arranged a sort of bidding among the gas. a young and beautiful flute slave girl was put up for an open auction right during the feast. 
the highest bidder went with the beauty to a separate room to receive a comfort exactly during the feast curiously even the world famous Socrates participated in such a feast at least once in his lifetime. the memories of this have come down to our time thanks to the historians xenophant who described the great feast of the Greek nobleman callius. when the tables were cleaned and the gas had made their offerings and sung a song of praise it was time for entertainment, a flutist and an acrobat and a handsome boy who played the liar and danced were brought out Socrates said in the name of Zeus callus you have amused a splendidly. it is not stated exactly how else the host entertained the gas but as already mentioned the flute is not only delighted the ears of the guests with wonderful music. another function of slaves was to provide special services but in brothels where girls could enter either directly from the slave market or after being sold by their Master. as a common occurrence young women were recruited and taught the basics of the profession, Services were provided either in the building itself or outside in secluded Corners. here again the coast of such Services was strictly regulated by laws, for example A Street Service cost about one-sixth of a drachma but depending on the status of the establishment itself naturally all the money earned was given to the householder because the slave had no right to any personal property especially money.
the Intriguing thing is that theoretically a slave could gain her Freedom though only theoretically, but in the history of ancient Greece there is a notorious case of naira a slave who managed to achieve the status of the official spouse of a free Greek citizen.
giving birth to his children by going the hard and long path nyaira was able to achieve the unbelievable for a slave woman. but the free citizens outraged that the children of a slave would in essence become free citizens during the process words were spoken that very clearly described the attitude towards such a matter. for them they will have complete freedom to live in marriage with whomever they please and to declare whomever they desire to be the father of their children, and your laws will be ineffective and void and such women will have the power to get whatever they want. it is precisely because of this process that we can today have a little idea of how slaves lived, and how they were treated. in the beginning Niara was bought for three drakmas by two young men. who lived with her alternately the girl was also obliged to fulfill the whims of all of the guests who visited this incomprehensible semi-homestead.
thus one of those young men Licious explained it this way, the woman was Mutual property, each of us paid the money for her evenly a little later she was ransomed by another Greek phrenian at one of the feasts a really wild and unimaginable thing happened. when the Master of the House was drunk out of his mind with his slave girl Nara was firstly with all of the guests who come to the feast. and then with all the enslaved men what is most incredible was that during the feast this was the slaves could also have belonged to religious temples. in that case they were called hiredals the task of the higher dolls was to thank the temple visitors for the offerings and sacrifices they brought, of course thank them in a specific fashion. when a female slave became too old and infirm she was simply thrown out into the street without any regret and she lived off the occasional charity.


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