Today I am going to explain a 2015 Hollywood Romance film called Bad sister.

Today I am going to explain a 2015 Hollywood Romance film called Bad sister.

The movie starts with Jason, a guy who is playing  the guitar. He records his playing and uploads it to his YouTube channel, earning him many fans  especially among the ladies. The story continues when Jason and his sister, Zoe Brady, are dropped  off by their parents back to school after the end of the vacation. Their arrival is welcomed by  Rebecca, the sister headmistress of their school.  
There, Rebecca meets Sophia, a sister who has just  been transferred to that school by the foundation.  
Sophia will be Jason and Zoe's homeroom teacher.  Then, Rebecca took Sophia to her room while showing her around the school. Unintentionally, they met  with Jason. Rebecca introduced Sophia to Jason as his new homeroom teacher. After that, Sophia  arrived at her room and relaxed while using her laptop. Apparently, Sophia is one of Jason's  fans who often watches his videos on YouTube.  
In fact, Sophia came to the dormitory to see Jason  sing his song live. It seems that Sophia is very interested in Jason, both because of his attractive  appearance and his ability to sing songs.  
This makes Sophia seem to be obsessed with Jason.  The next morning in class, Jason meets a woman named Sara. As it turns out, Sara is the sole  donor at the school who comes from the Foundation.  
However, when Sophia entered the classroom, she did  not like the closeness between Jason and Sara.  
Sophia reprimanded Sara and decided to move  her seat to the front of the class.  
After class, Sophia asked Jason if Sara  was his girlfriend. However, Jason explained that they were just friends. This made Sophia feel  relieved because there was still a chance for her.  
The next day, Sara approached Jason again and  it turned out that Sara was one of Jason's fans.  
Sara tries to flirt with Jason, but suddenly  Sophia appears and looks very angry because she feels jealous of their closeness. Sophia told Jason to immediately enter into class, while Sarah got a warning from  Sophia not to approach Jason again.
After the lesson was over, Sophia asked Jason to  come to her room after the last lesson. Long story short, the afternoon came, and Sophia deliberately  opened the door to her room slightly. Not long  after, Jason arrived in front of Sophia's room and  was surprised to see a beautiful view through that gap in the door. Sophia pretended to be unaware of  Jason's Presence by wearing earphones in her ears.  
Jason, who seemed to be afraid of Sophia realizing  his existence, immediately left there. 
At night, Jason couldn't sleep because he kept  Imagining the beautiful scenery he had seen earlier that afternoon. The next morning, when he  met with Sophia, Jason looked awkward. Not long  after, Sophia saw Sara approaching Jason again.  Since it was the weekend and the students were allowed to go home, Sophia decided to ask Rebecca  for permission to leave the dormitory with the excuse that her aunt was being hospitalized. Sophia  didn't want Jason and Sara to get closer as the weekend arrived. Long story short, night fell.  Jason told his parents that after graduation, he didn't want to continue his studies because  he wanted to pursue his dream as a singer. However, his father did not agree with this decision, so  Jason got angry and went to The house's backyard.  
When he was playing the guitar there, it turned  out that Sophia was there keeping an eye on Jason.  
Long story short one night, Sophia quietly entered  the women's dormitory where all the residents were already asleep. She entered the room occupied  by Sara, who happened to share a room with Zoe.  
Sophia took a book belonging to Sarah and  slipped a cigarette in it. As it turns out, Sophia has a plan to trap Sarah with the aim of  getting Jason in the school Authorites' attention.  
The next morning, when Sophia asked all the  students to open their textbooks, Sara was surprised to find a cigarette in her book. As  a result, Sara could only cry when brought to the principal's room, and she confessed that the  cigarette was not hers. But unfortunately, Sara got suspended from school for some time. Sophia  even influenced Rebecca to conduct a search in all the male dorm rooms immediately afterward. And  sure enough, a teacher found a bottle of liquor under Jason's bed. Shocked, Jason swore that the  drink was not his. However, the principal didn't care and decided to report this to Jason's  parents. Jason was so scared if his parents found out about this. That's when,like a hero to  Jason, Sophia provided a solution to get attention.  
Sophia asked Rebecca to forgive Jason on the  grounds that Jason might have made a mistake, and suggested that Jason be given the punishment of  cleaning the schoolyard as a form of compensation.  
Fortunately, Rebecca agrees to the suggestion, and  Jason is scheduled to clean the school on weekends.  
Zoe, who knew this, decided to accompany  her brother to clean the school on the weekends. Zoe took this step because she had  been suspicious of Sophia from the start.  
Long story short when he was serving his sentence,  suddenly Sophia came to offer help. Of course it was just a modus because Sophia again seduced  Jason by pretending to be overheated, so she unbuttoned two buttons of her shirt. it certainly  made Jason wrong Focus. Until one night, Sophia secretly went to the men's dormitory and entered  Jason's room who was sleeping. There Sophia put her cell phone on the table that would record  all her activities with Jason. It turns out that Sophia wants to invite Jason to make love. At  first Jason refused because he was afraid of sin, but what power because the Temptation was so  strong that Jason was deluded. The next morning Jason brooded inside his room, and immediately  went to church to make confession for all his sins.  
while Sophia came back to Jason's room and  her presence was accidentally caught by Zoe.  
Long story short when Jason had just entered the  confessional booth, Sophia suddenly entered into Jason's cubicle and they resumed their illicit  relationship there. Then when the weekend arrived, as usual Jason and Zoe returned home. While Sophia  again asked permission to leave the dormitory to Rebecca, for the same reason that it was her  aunt whose condition was now getting worse.  
Actually Sophia went to Jason's house. In another  place, Jason and his family were eating together.  
There, another argument broke out between Jason and  his father. His father wanted Jason to continue his education after graduation, but Jason insisted that  he wanted to pursue his dream of becoming a famous singer. Finally, Jason got angry and left the house  on foot. Apparently, he went to a stall to buy a drink. Unfortunately, he was stopped by a policeman  because he was seen carrying a drink. The police asked Jason to show his identity card and started  an interrogation. Fortunately, Sophia, who had been following Jason, came to save him. So the police  let Jason go and only confiscated his drinks.
Then, Sophia took Jason to a hotel with the  intention of making love again. She then invited Jason to go abroad to continue their life together. Sophia claims to have abundant wealth and is able to realize Jason's dream of becoming a  famous singer. But unfortunately, Jason realized that something was not right with Sophia, so he  soon left her alone. The decision of Jason greatly disappointed Sophia. Meanwhile, the father who  was looking for Jason found Jason sitting alone on the side of the road. He approaches Jason and  finally allows him to choose his own path in life.  
In the morning, Jason and Zoe get ready to return  to the dormitory, while Sophia immediately leaves.  
However, her departure was discovered by Zoe  when she saw the license plate of a car that turned out to belong to Sophia. Elsewhere, Jason was shocked to see Sophia lying helplessly on his bed. Additional medicines  on the table make Jason Panic. However, when Jason gave artificial breath, it turned out that  Sophia was only pretending to be unconscious.
Then while in class, Rebecca came to escort Sarah  to rejoin the class because her sentence was over.  
Then when the class was over,Sophia  asked Jason to stay in class, and  Zoe saw it getting suspicious that  something had happened between them.
Not long after Sophia returned to see Jason  and Sarah's closeness where it made Sophia very jealous. Then at night, Sophia returned to  enter the women's dormitory which happened to be that night Sara was taking a shower. Then  Sophia immediately killed Sara by banging her against the wall, and made the scenario that Sara died because she slipped on the soap. 
Then when Zoe went into the bathroom, she was shocked to find  Sarah who had died. Finally Sarah was taken to the hospital for an autopsy. and Shopia's scenario was  successful because the police suspected Sarah died from slipping. That night, all the dorm residents  went to church and prayed for Sarah who was gone.  
Then when Sophia wanted to go back to her room  it turned out that Jason was waiting for her.  
Jason accused Sophia of killing Sara. But  Sophia responded casually, even showing a video of the two of them. Afraid that the video  would spread Jason could only remain silent. Then, when the weekend came. Jason and Zoe were picked  up by their parents to go home. Meanwhile, Sophia again asked permission to leave the dormitory  to attend the funeral of her deceased aunt.  
Then, in the evening, when Jason was having dinner  with his family at a restaurant, Sophia suddenly came and introduced herself to Jason's parents.  Unfortunately, his father actually invites Sophia to join them. Sophia certainly won't refuse, while  Jason can only remain silent. Elsewhere, Rebecca wanted to send condolence flowers to her aunt Sophia, so she called the hospital for information.  
However, the hospital said that there was no  patient named Sophia's aunt. In fact, they have no record about Sophia's attendance every week.  Then, the scene moves to Jason and Zoe who are already at home. Zoe is curious and asks what  happened between Jason and Sophia. Finally, Jason admits that Sophia has been flirting with  him, and eventually an illicit relationship is established between them. Then, the next day,  Sophia is called to face Rebecca in her room.  
At that moment, Jason and Zoe forced their way  into Sophia's room because they want to uncover who Sophia really is. Unintentionally, they find a  laptop that does not belong to Sophia, but contains photos of unknown people. Then, Jason finds another  laptop that turns out to belong to Laura Peterson.  
This is where it is revealed that Laura has been  posing as Sophia. This happens because Laura is obsessed with Jason. She wants to know more  about Jason who happens there is a new nurse who will be placed at Jason's school. Finally,  Laura came to Sophia and killed her.
Meanwhile, Rebecca is uncovering all of Sophia's  lies and intends to report her to the priest.  
However, Sophia, who didn't want her cover  blown, quickly made Rebecca lose consciousness.  
Shortly after, Jason and Zoe went to  Rebecca's room to report Sophia's disguise.  
However, they found that the room was locked  and there was no response from Rebecca.  
Finally, they decide to go to the church to  look for Rebecca. Then, Sophia suddenly came from behind and approached them. Together, they  uncovered the identity of Laura who was posing as Sophia. They brought Laura's laptop as evidence.  However, it made Laura even angrier and attacked them both. Fortunately, when Laura was about  to hurt Zoe, Rebecca came and forwarded her.  
However, Rebecca, who was already covered in  blood was unable to fight Laura equally. That's when, with the help of a screwdriver, Jason managed to make Laura fall down and helpless.
The movie ends with Jason and Zoe's  graduation scene. And the movie ends.


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