Today I am going to explain a 2016 Horror Thriller film called "Killing Ground".

Today I am going to explain a 2016 Horror Thriller film called Killing Ground.

as the film starts we are shown a family. they  were on a camping in jungle, there were a total of four people in that family, a husband and wife,  their elder daughter em, and a younger son name ollie, thier father was cooking dinner at night,  they talk after having dinner, and then they sleep in their tent. the next day, ollie's parents were  going for hiking and ask em to join them, em says that i am not going and will stay here. they're  about to leave but their daughter stops them to click a family picture. then the husband and wife  leaves from there with ollie. when they left, their daughter was alone so she feels someone's  presence there, she sees around her because she was alone, she felt scared. that's why she  goes and sits in her car. after some time, a car stops behind her car. a man comes out of  that car whose name is german. there was one more man with a german who also came out of the car.  the name of that man was chook. em was sleeping in her car. they both see that girl, german says to  chook "let's take her with us and have some fun,chook says that you did the same thing last  time. and you go to jail then. german says that i am embarrassed about that mistake and  that i have learned from it. german says that i will take that girl with me. this time, chook  agrees with him. then german goes to their tent to check who else is with that girl. em wakes  up in the car. she sees chook standing outside the car. she tells him in anger to stay away  from my car. hearing it, chook moves away from her car. but he again moves forward. seeing it, em presses the horn of the car. german and her  
parents also hear the sound of this horn. german  comes to know that the girl awakens. that's why he moved to her car. em's father goes to check  on his daughter. the german takes out the gun from his car. he asks em to come out of the car at  gunpoint. then em comes out,fearful. meanwhile, her father also comes there to save her. but  they beat him and made him faint. than ollie's mother comes back and put Ollie in the tent and  goes to check what happened? after coming there, she saw those 2 men's are forcing her daughter so  she attack one of them. em saw chance and she runs from there while saving her life. german stops  her while firing in the sky, then he points a gun at ollie's father and says that if you run, your  father will be killed. hearing it, em stops. then they tied the hands and mouths of those three.  after it, they were taking that family somewhere in the forest at gun point. after committing world's most disgusting crime with em and with her mom. chook was checking the mobile of em  while sitting at a table. chook sees their family picture. he also sees ollie in the pictures.  due to it, he comes to know that there is also a small boy with them. who is missing and not there?  chook also shows that picture to german. 
then he asks ollie's mother about him: "where is he? but  ollie's mother wasn't telling them anything. they start torturing the whole family. they tied them  to the separate trees. german places a beer can on the head of ollie's father. then chook points  to that beer can. ollie's father was shivering with fear when the beer can fell down. german  again places that beer can. chook again points out that beer can. ollie's father was again  shivering with fear. that beer can again fall down. but this time, in anger, chook shoots his  head. they do the same with ollie's mother. they place a beer can on her head. this time, except  for chook, german points to her. in the end, german shoots ollie's mother. but going from  there, they shoot em and kill her. later they go to their tent. but ollie wasn't in the tent; he  went somewhere while crying. then, after 3 days, a couple comes to that same spot where that family  was camping. they see that the place is beautiful.  
that's why they were happy. they were standing at  a distance from that family tent. after some time,  
they also put their tent there. actually, they  come here to spend their time. in that couple, the name of the girl was sam. sam was sitting alone.  sam looks at their tent. sam sees that there is also a family that will be there in some time. she  doesn't know that the whole family was killed. 
on the other side Sam's husband ian, was collecting  wood for the fire. during this, he finds the cap of a small boy there. as the night fell, sam  and her husband set the wood on fire. they start talking to each other. the next morning, when sam  wakes up, she again looks at their tent. she was thinking that the family that was living there  had returned now. to check, she moves forward to the tent. seeing inside the tent, she calls  her husband there. she shows her husband while opening the tent. she says to him that something  happened wrong here. because tent is full of mess.  
they decide to inform the police about it. but a  tyre on their car was punctured. then ian tries to changed the tyre on the car. but then he hears the  shouting voice of sam. he runs towards sam. sam shows her husband ollie, who was lying on ground  and his condition is very bad . ian checks, and he comes to know that ollie is alive. they takes  ollie and they were about to leave from there.  
they were about to leave but than chook arrived  there, they told chook everything, they also show ollie to chook, because their car tyre is puncture  they ask for help from chook. to bring ollie to the hospital as soon as possible. on it, chook  makes them understand that they shouldn't worry.  
his parents will be around us. maybe they were in  trouble. we will have search for them soon. ian says to chook that if his parents are in trouble,  we should help them. then chook takes the gun from his car. after that, chook and ian go from there  to find the parents of that kid. to take care of ollie, sam was alone there. after it, sam goes  and sits in the car. there, sam finds a knife. sam notices that the baby is sleeping peacefully in  the car. we see that chook takes ian to the place where they killed and tortured that family. chook  sees that there isn't the dead body of ollie's mother. due to it, he gets shocked. because  he knows that if ollie's mother is not there, it means she is alive. ian asks chook to move  from there immediately. to inform the police about it. on it, chook says that ollie's mother  is alive and we should search for her. ian was confused that how he knows about that child's  mother? then they search for ollie's mother, and soon they find her. ian goes near ollie's mother  while seeing her in worst condition. but luckily she's alive. but then chook shoots and kills her.  seeing it, ian gets scared. on it, chook says, "what happened? why are you scared? i was thinking  that you are brave. ian asks him with fear,  
"will you also kill me? on it, chook says no, not  at all. i will not give you an easy death. i will make your condition worse. i will kill you while  giving you pain. hearing it, ian gets more scared.  
then chook comes near sam's husband. he tells him  to stand up from here and hurry up and leave from here. but ian runs from there while pushing chook.  chook also runs behind him. on the other side,  
german comes to sam. and sam tells him everything.  hearing all this, the german takes out his gun from the car. after seeing a gun in his hand,  sam gets scared. she immediately goes and sits in her car. german comes there and asks sam to  come out of the car. when sam didn't come out, german broke the car's mirror. he himself tries to  open the door. meanwhile, sam cuts the hand of a german with that knife. due to it, german gets  a wound, and he tries to stop his blood. then, after getting a chance, sam runs from there with  ollie. when german sees sam running, he sends his dog behind her. on the other side while running,  ian hides at a place. chook was also around there, searching for him. then suddenly, chook sees  someone running. he shoots in that direction.  
now chook goes there and finds out he shoot none  other than a german. he was shouting in pain because of the bullet. chook was apologising to  germans for shooting him. meanwhile, he listens to the crying voice of ollie. then chook sees sam he  slowly comes towards her from behind and catches her. 
chook take sam as hostage and come backs to  german. ollie was crying and sam try to handle him, but in rage chook takes ollie from sam and  throw him on the ground. then chook shoots german and kills him. because of the bullet, german was  in pain, and chook couldn't see him in pain. later chook was leaving from there while making sam sit  next to him in the car while tie her hands with rope. 
but sam shakes the steering wheel of the car  with power. due to this, the balance of the car is disturbed. that car crash on tree, making both of  them unconscious. on the other side, ian has taken the police there. the police were moving towards  chook's car. they see sam inside a car, they're going to rascue sam but chook starts firing on  them from afar. then sam's husband, seeing this, immediately started his car. but chook shoots  fire at his arm. then chook makes them prisoners, both husband and wife, in the police car. sam was  driving that car. chook was sitting behind them with a gun. in rage sam suddenly takes turn while  driving at high speed, due to it the car crashes once again. the three were injured because of it.  among them, chook comes out of the car, having been badly injured. after that, sam comes out of  the car. she crushes chook's head with big rock.  
after some time we see sam opens her eyes in  a hospital. sam searches for her boyfriend in the same hospital and she find her boyfriend in  very bad condition. now sam thinks about ollie, what happened with him? ollie was still  alive in jungle, beside him german's dog is sitting, and the movie ends 


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