
*** Waiting ..............

*** Waiting ..............  Even if the body takes your blood  I'll just smell it.  Far below the feeling,  I will answer in familiar language.  What words will be tolerated?  The story that is forever today.  Do people match at all?  Without the price of the victim!  I don't know!  How's the occupation?  What happiness is taken away.  I just watched,  Say no, that's what you said.  I will take care of you  If happiness wants to be released!  It's better to live far away,  Waiting a lifetime.

Natural beauty....

Nato stays at home alone on this cloudy day.

*** Confidence ................

*** আত্মবিশ্বাস ................, খুব সহজে জীবনকে বুঝে নেওয়া আমার কাজ ছিলোনা, বুঝবোই বা কি করে? কতটুকুই বা জানি! তাই  নিঃশব্দে যেদিন হাত রেখেছিলে হাতে। চোখের দৃষ্টিতে, নিরুত্তর পলক রেখেছিলে চোখে। তুমি ভেবেছিলে - যে কোনো অছিলায় আকাশের বুকে তারা গুনে সঙ্গ দেওয়ার চেয়ে, আমার হাত ছুঁয়ে নেওয়া অনেক সহজ। ছুঁয়েও দিয়েছিলে। সেই প্রথম, সেই শেষ। তারপর, কত একাদশী, অমাবস্যায় গাছের ফাঁকে চাঁদ ওঠা-নামা করেছে। আমাদের দেখা হয়নি, নিঃশব্দে তাই প্রেমিক মনের চাঞ্চল্য টের পেতেই, গ্রহণে রাখলে তোমার আঁচল, আর আমাকে সযত্নে রাখলে অপেক্ষায়। নিজের পছন্দে তোমার চাবুক মনে রাঙিয়েছিলে আমায়। বিশ্বাস করো, জীবন কে পড়তে পড়তে যতবার এঁকেছি তোমায়, শুধু মনে হয়েছে আমার সবুজ ঘাসে তুমি উল্টোনো কড়াই, দিগন্তে শুধু দৃষ্টি থামে, উত্তরে তোমায় যে স্পর্শ ফিরিয়ে দেওয়ার ছিলো। তা আজও অপেক্ষায়! মনের ভুল ভাঙে দরজা খুলতেই! এ জন্মে ঋনী থাকলাম, তবে পরের অংকে আমার দানে, দেনায় রাখবো তোমায়। *** Confidence ................,  Understanding life very easily  I didn't have a job, do you understand?  How much do I know!  So silent tha

*** Incomparable ....................

*** Incomparable ....................  You see the resemblance and the nerves!  You touched the cage wall and rust!  You are in a game of drunken joy and pride.  You took every color of lovers.  You want temporary happiness and shelter.  You have ensured safety and security.  You want to be cheap, and beautiful.  You see, courage is the ultimate waste.  You are in a happy competition, no matter what.  You have learned the opposite, you have shown stubbornness.  You thought it would be a game trick,  You and your curiosity.  Thou hast brought creation, Thou hast made destruction,  You may be forever confident!  If you ask a question, you are the answer,  You will be next to the applause.

***What it looks like......

*** What it looks like .....................  Argument is neither acceptable, nor ignored.  Necessity and preference suits him, depending on the situation.  Just as a relationship is neither valid nor invalid.  It takes names when many characters come in the same role.  So, which is favorable today;  Maybe tomorrow is against me.  In fact, I'm tied somewhere.  I have to respond, I am wrapped in front of my eyes.  Sometimes God, sometimes Satan fascinated life in many forms.  There is some relief in exile.

****HOW MUCH......

*** How much ...........  How many such things come to mind,  Asking permission to weave words.  Inside us, how much talk.  Every morning, wake up  Breathe!  In that same belief.  That's right  Adjacent to the boundary of the boundary boundary, the same  Measuring the road, I know who life is  Says monotonously.  "No shortage?"  -  Thinking like that, emptiness consumes.  Our search, the busyness of the north,  He lives for not getting everything.  There is no end to the decorations!  And there is no beginning.  Today  What is expected, what is disliked tomorrow.  How much down again and again?  Will stop for a few moments, or  Will the attraction keep the center of the earth?  This is the size on which it stands  Our burden became-name.  Never  We say without understanding  Nonsense, at the same time  I don't see anything obvious, hidden  All around us.  Nothing like that  It keeps us awake, maybe  Comes in without permission.