****HOW MUCH......
*** How much ...........
How many such things come to mind,
Asking permission to weave words.
Inside us, how much talk.
Every morning, wake up
Breathe! In that same belief. That's right
Adjacent to the boundary of the boundary boundary, the same
Measuring the road, I know who life is
Says monotonously. "No shortage?" -
Thinking like that, emptiness consumes.
Our search, the busyness of the north,
He lives for not getting everything.
There is no end to the decorations!
And there is no beginning. Today
What is expected, what is disliked tomorrow.
How much down again and again?
Will stop for a few moments, or
Will the attraction keep the center of the earth?
This is the size on which it stands
Our burden became-name. Never
We say without understanding
Nonsense, at the same time
I don't see anything obvious, hidden
All around us. Nothing like that
It keeps us awake, maybe
Comes in without permission.
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