Today I am going to explain a 2022 Indian Action Historical drama film Pathonpatham Noottandu.

Today I am going to explain a 2022 Indian Action Historical drama film Pathonpatham Noottandu

In the 19th century, a young man from  the lower caste named Velayudha Chekavar, arrived at the English East India Company  headquarters in Travancore to ask permission from a lord to export cardamom, but he was left  waiting until the night fell. He was not allowed to enter the place because the nobles there were  entertaining the English Officers. Fortunately, a good aristocrat came and let him enter the place. Inside, he was shocked by the view he saw.  
He witnessed an unpleasant scene where lower caste  girls were harassed by all the officers while the lower caste men were forced to fight and used as  betting material by the guests there. The man who won the fight was forced to kill the defeated just  to please the guests. Seeing that, Velayudha did not remain silent. He then stopped this barbaric  act and fought everyone there. The officers were angry and immediately surrounded him. Thankfully,  he managed to escape from there unharmed. 
Sometime later, the Maharaja of Travancore ordered  Velayudha, the infamous leader of the lower caste, to meet him in the palace. Maharaja was holding a  cabinet meeting with the ministers of the palace regarding the loss of the Salagram ornaments,  the statue of the god in the Padmanabhaswamy temple which was allegedly stolen. On that  occasion, the Maharaja asked Velayudha’s help to find the missing ornament and  caught the thief, Kayamkulam Kochunni, but the Maharaja's actions to ask Velayudha’s help  made the ministers irritated, because for them, asking for help from the lower castes was  considered an insult to the upper castes.  
Because of that, the ministers asked the Maharaja  to not assign Velayudha to the task because he was of a lower caste. Hearing the rejection from  them, Velayudha politely refused the order.  
Apart from that, Velayudha also said that he would  always be ready for every task from the Maharaja, as long as nobody was against it. Finally,  the task was handed back to Paachupanikkar, the supreme commander of the Travancore army. Meanwhile, in another place, a married couple was punished. They were whipped while their hands were  tied. they were punished because they violated the royal rules, namely growing a mustache  and covering the breasts of the lower caste.  
At that time, a strange rule was enforced in the  kingdom where lower caste men were prohibited from growing a mustache, while the women were  forbidden from covering their breasts unless they pay a mustache tax. Everyone that violated the  rules would be punished severely, even executed. 
On the other hand, lower caste women  flocked to protest against the breast tax rule and invited other women to protect  their dignity, but the action was immediately driven away by the royal troops led by the  Deputy Commander named Padaveedan Nambi.  
Nambi asked the women to remove their  breast covers unless they paid the breast tax but the girls refused, leading to a clash  between the lower caste and the authorities. 
Nangeli, the girl who is known as the leader  of the women’s rights movement as well as the leader of the action also tried to fight Nambi,  but to no avail, Nambi effortlessly beat her and stripped her upper cloth. Nambi almost executed  her, but Luckily, Velayudha came. He then gave a cloth to cover Nangeli’s chest. Seeing what Nambi  did to Nangeli and the other lower caste women, Velayudha did not accept it and a fight ensued  between him and Nambi. In that battle, Nambi was finally defeated and seriously injured. After  that, Velayudha sent him back to the palace in a helpless state. When Nambi was about to leave,  he said that he would take his revenge on him. 
Seeing their deputy Commander being seriously  injured by Velayudha’s actions made the Nobles in the palace urge the Maharaja to punish Velayudha,  but after examining Velayudha, the Maharaja discovered that he was defending the women.  Moreover, he was a person who diligently paid taxes, so the Maharaja refused to punish Nangeli In the lower caste village, Nangeli met his lover.  
They would soon have a wedding. After that,  Nangeli met her friends from the upper caste, but the strict caste system at that time and the  discrimination that occurred made her secretly meet his friends and avoid getting caught.  Even though they were from the higher caste, they really respected their friend’s dignity  even though Nangeli was a lower caste herself. 
Velayudha returned home.  Besides working as a trader, he also trained the children in martial arts.  He lived with his wife, child, and grandfather.  
On that occasion, Velayudha’s grandfather wanted  to watch see the Kathakali dance performance.  
Hearing that, Velayudha immediately forbade  it because the show was only for high castes and if they were caught, they would be  punished. However, Velayudha did not want to see his grandfather sad, and in the end, he  allowed his grandfather to see the performance. 
Velayudha’s grandfather could only watch  the show from afar, but he was immediately forbidden by one of the Nobles, saying he would  be punished if he continued. Luckily, Velayudha immediately came and said that his grandfather  was innocent because he didn’t go to the venue but watched it from outside, meaning that his  grandfather was free to watch at any time. 
On the other hand, Kochunni returned to commit theft. This action was discovered by Paachupanikkar,  so he and his troops immediately chase Kochunni and his gang, but unfortunately, Kochunni  managed to escape and attacked Paachupanikkar.  
This incident made the Maharaja announce a  reward of 100 gold coins to anyone who provided information about this Kochunni. Kochunni’s men  who found out that the king had put a bounty on his boss’s head immediately told the news to  Kochunni. After hearing that, Kochunni said that he buried the casket containing the Salagram  ornament under a tree in the palace courtyard. He planned to take it back during  the prince's wedding celebration. Velayudha, who was considered the richest among  the lower caste and the leader of them, build a Shiva temple for the people, but this was opposed  by the ministers of the palace, because, people in the lower caste were forbidden to build their  own temples and worship like the upper caste.  
Therefore, the ministers ordered that  Velayudha be arrested and put in jail. 
After Velayudha was chained in prison, Nambi  came and intended to take revenge for what Velayudha did to him by poisoning his food, but  this was known by an officer named Kannan Kurup.  
Kannan, who was sympathetic to Velayudha, warned  him not to eat or drink anything given by the warden, no matter how hungry or thirsty he is. Meanwhile, the queen, who knows that Velayudha was under arrest then issues an order to  free him. After that, the queen met him in person to ask for his help to retrieve the stolen  ornaments and arrest Kochunni. A long operation to arrest him had been done, but he was never been  arrested and the ornaments hadn’t been returned.  
This made the Maharaja feel like a loser. Then the prince's wedding night was held.The chance was used by Kochunni and his gang  to take the chest that he had hidden before, but the action was caught by Kannan. Kanan  immediately tried to catch Kochunni. A battle between them ensued but Kannan’s loyalty wavered  when Kochunni offered half of the selling price of the ornament to him. He was tempted and  decided to let him go with the ornament. Sometime later, Kannan met Kochunni in  his hideout with an antique exporter from England named Looper. They planned to sell  the ornament in Europe. On the other hand, Velayudha, who had received a mandate from  the queen to find out Kochunni’s whereabouts, tried to get information from  several people until finally, he managed to track down Kochunni after  interrogating one of Kochunni’s gang members.  
After finding out Kochunni’s whereabouts,  he immediately raided his base. When he arrived at Kochunni’s hideout, he  was stopped by the thugs guarding the place.  
After knowing that Velayudha was raiding their  base, Kochunni faced him while Kannan and Looper escaped from there. In the end, Kochunni  and his gang were arrested by Velayudha. 
Kochunni was dragged by Velayudha to the palace.  For the crime he committed, Kochunni was thrown into prison. Thanks to his success, the Maharaja  offered the reward of Veera Shringhala and 1008 gold coins. However, the ministers advised the  Maharaja not to give the prize, considering he is of a lower caste. Velayudha decided not  to accept the gift because. In exchange for appreciating Velayudha's services, the Maharaja  gave him the title of Panicker. Since then, Velayudha was known as Aarattupuzha Velayudha  Panicker and became the pride of the lower castes. The acts of discrimination committed by  the governers and arrogant officers were increasing day by day. They still applied  the strange rules to the lower castes.  
They didn’t hesitate to punish those  who didn’t obey the rules cruelly or even kill them under the pretext of upholding  the rules, despite the rules being terminated. The arbitrary action made the lower caste  people angry. They told Velayudha about it.  
Velayudha immediately ordered them not to obey  the strange rules, even though it was strongly opposed by the higher caste. On the other  hand, Kannan met Kochunni in the prison.  
They planned evil intentions to kill Velayudha  in exchange for a share of the stolen gold coins. 
When the lower castes were carrying out religious  rituals, Nambi and his troops raided them. Not only that, but they had made chaos there  and killed Velayudha’s grandfather. After finding out that Nambi had killed his grandfather,  Velayudha fought Nambi and ended up killing him.  
Suddenly, someone shot him, but luckily, the  bullet only hit his arm. Velayudha immediately chased after the mysterious shooter and it turned  out that it was Kannan and Bava who shot him.  
While chasing them both. Velayudha threw a tree  branch and made them fall from their horse. Bava was caught but Kannan managed to  escape before he was shot by Velayudha while jumping into the river. After that, Velayudha brought Bava to the Maharaja. The ministers of the palace  insisted that Velayudha be executed for killing Nambi. Velayudha, on the other hand, said that he  did that to defend himself. His action of killing Nambi was because he had killed 4 innocent people,  Besides, Nambi had also killed his grandfather. Not only that, but Velayudha also presented Bava  as the witness of treason done by Chandrupilla, one of the ministers of the palace. According  to Bava, Chandrupilla had received a bribe of 10,000 gold coins from Kochunni in exchange  for him to tell Kochunni about the information about the arrest operation so that Kochunni can  escape. Hearing this, the Maharaja immediately imprisoned Chandrupilla and Bava. He also freed  Velayudha from all charges. However, the next trial was adjourned because the royal adviser  told the Maharaja to hold a religious ritual. The governers who feel threatened by  Velayudha conspired to get rid of him.  
Kaimal and Raman Thambi, part of the ministers  of the palace, bought off to Kandappan, Velayudha’s close aide. Meanwhile, Velayudha  was holding his grandfather’s funeral.  
After that, he planned to go to Ananthapuri. This  chance was then used to get rid of him. Peshkar, the queen's younger brother, found indications  of people wanting to do bad things to Velayudha.  
He then met Velayudha to convey a message  that he was being targeted for assassination. Based on that information, Velayudha decided to  travel to Ananthapuri by boat to avoid danger. However, Velayudha didn’t know  that there was a traitor with him.Before leaving for Ananthapuri,  Kandappan put some powder in all the tender coconut drinks which were  taken for Velayudha and the others.  
Somewhere else, Kaimal executed Bava with  the help of the Maharaja’s confidant, Rudran. 
During the journey, Velayudha started to feel  drowsy and fell asleep. That moment was used by the paid assassins to attack them. Velayudha who  was also asleep suddenly woke up after someone fell on him. Knowing that his entourage was  attacked, he then got up and faced the attacker.  
He almost won the fight, but suddenly, Kannan  stabbed him from behind. Even though he was seriously injured, he managed to win the  fight but later died after major blood loss. 
The sad news was spread all over the country. The lower castes were mourning Velayudha’s death, they had lost someone that  had defended their rights.  After Velayudha’s death, Nangeli was tied  and beaten up for covering her chest.  
She was offered freedom in exchange for paying  breast tax to the governers, but she said that she'd rather die than have to submit to inhumane  rules. Kalu, Nangeli’s father, came to rescue her but ended up beaten. Seeing her father beaten up  by the authorities, Nangeli agreed to remove her upper cloth and to pay the breast tax, but as  soon as she was released, as a protest to the injustice for the lower caste, with a sickle that  she kept behind her back, in front of many people, she chopped her breast and presented it before the  governers. Finally, Nangeli died from blood loss. 
Soon after, Chirukkandan,  Nangeli’s lover, came to the place. He saw her loved ones cremated in front of his  eyes and decided to jump into the funeral pyre. That incident aroused fury and  distress among the lower castes.  
They rioted and burned down  the assets of the nobles. The action became more and more widespread so  the Maharaja decided to revoke all the strange rules that existed to save the kingdom and  also allowed women to cover their upper body.


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