Today I am going to explain a 2015fantasy action film called Snow Girl and the Dark Crystal.

Today I am going to explain a 2015
fantasy action film called Snow Girl and the  Dark Crystal.

A long time ago, the earth was  separated into three realms, the heaven where the Gods resided, The Earth where the humans lived and the underworld where the  Demons are constantly suffering. The day for the reincarnation draws near, giving  Demons a chance to appear on the mortal realm.General Zhang from the celestial army  volunteers to guard after the city of Hu, where the infamous demon lord is located. At the same time, numerous monsters appear in  the city and begins attacking everyone on site, killings the people and taking  their souls to the underworld. The demons carry the souls that they stole  and lays them inside the dark crystal, where it's magic allows them to  reincarnate and leave this terrible place. However, a man named Kui steals the  crystal while others are not looking, but his strange behaviors are  quickly noticed by a lizard demon, who takes away his cloak,  revealing that he's a thief.
All the monsters quickly become  hostile and charges towards the man, forcing him to run for his life.
A large demon chases closely after  and is able to strike the man, but he escapes just in time at the help  of General Zhang who pulls him away.
The lizard demon transforms into a  woman and rushes to stop the thieves, but only manages to see them escape. The demon lord is furious at his minions  for losing something so valuable, and quickly goes to one of his most  powerful lieutenants named snow, telling her to retrieve the  crystal no matter the cost. Back at the human realm, the deity  gives Kui some medicine to drink, claiming that it can heal his wounds faster. He tells the man that they must  prepare to fight the demons, as the monsters will attack soon after  losing their most valuable treasure. He gives Kui a magical fan and  sprays the man's blood over the item, causing a transformation that turns  the warrior into a giant demon.
Kui looks in the mirror and sees the  reflection, causing him to fall down in fear. The deity warns him to never  transform in front of the people, as they'll surely become hostile after  looking at the man's monstrous appearance. Kui begins training under the god's instructions,  and soon begins to be able to transform at will.
He takes out the enormous sword that's  imbedded inside his spine and begins sparring with the master, but his movements are  still too slow and fails to land a single hit. The deity gives him one more elixir, promising  that the medicine will help him recover faster. Back at the city of Hu, the  people all bow before the deity, and watches the old man give the dark  crystal to his magical beast called Qilin. Zhang promises the people that  they are very close to winning as they now have the dark  crystal in their possession.
Seven days later on the  night of the reincarnation, the souls taken by the demons would be returned to  the people, and their loved ones will be revived. He warns everyone to be wary  of the demons as they'll surely attack the city in order to regain their treasure. Sometimes later, many performers arrive  to the gates of city and wishes to enter in order to host their show for the people.
The men are quickly mesmerized by  the girls' female assets while their wives are screaming in their ears.
Kui comes to inspect the carriages, and is to shock to see a beautiful  woman dressed in all whites.
The warrior seems to know the girl from his past, but she refutes the assertion  and tells him to call her snow. Before the woman leaves, Kui grabs onto  her hand and comments on how rare it is that she feels so cold, just like someone he knew.
The man's very lucky that he's  not in the 21th century, as his actions would have landed him in jail by now.
It turns out that Kui knows the woman from  before as her painting hangs over his bedroom Threes years ago while studying to become  a scholar, the man meets the woman at his front door and immediately fell in love,  prompting him to draw a portrait of the girl. She comes back the next day to the man's  surprise, and when Kui takes the woman's hand, he comments on how she felt very cold. The two quickly fall for each other as they waste no time before commencing some aggressive cuddling.
The woman wants to know whether  if a human can love a demon, but the man doesn't think so, not knowing  that his lover is in fact from the underworld.
She leaves later that night in tears, after realizing that Kui can  never accept her for who she is.
Back to the present, the performers  begin their show as all the villagers gather inside the giant tent, mesmerized by the beauty of the dancers.
However, the lizard demon notices  that everyone's here except for Kui and informs her sister right away.
Snow leaves a letter in the  main character's front door, asking him to meet so that she  can distract him from her plans.
the man arrives at her room and quickly  becomes possessed by her beauty, as he misses her greatly in  the years that she was gone.
The two begins to embrace and prepares for  some adult actions, but Kui notices the icicles behind his back, and quickly paralyzes  the woman by hitting her special spots.
He quickly rushes to the temple where the the  magical Qilin is guarding over the crystal, and takes the item away from the box, anticipating  that the demons will try to steal it tonight.
Just like the man predicted, a  giant demon arrives into the temple, and the Qilin begins attacking the monster furiously in their battle.
Snow has transformed into a demon as well, and proceed to search for the  crystal inside the building.
She quickly finds Kui in his  demon form guarding the temple and attacks the man from behind,sending him through the rooms.
Snow attacks by throwing  multiple ice shards at Kui, forcing the man to dodge immediately  and barely escapes the onslaught. The woman continues to shoot at the man and eventually nails him on the  wall and freezes him in place, as the lizard demon transforms into her  true form and arrives in front of the box, not knowing that it's empty already.
Kui is able to slowly melt himself out of  the ice and begins charging up tremendous amounts of energy, before releasing it  in a shockwave, forcing snow to retreat.
At the same time, the Qilin  shoots fire from it's mouth, forcing the giant demon to run and  eventually traps him under a stone pillar. The magical beast rushes towards the  enemy and bites on the monster's neck, killing him in the process.
The lizard demon brings the box to her  master who's been waiting for her return, but when she opens the container,  only a piece of rock is inside. Realizing that they've been tricked, the demon king becomes furious as  he transforms into his true form.
Meanwhile Kui hands the crystal to his master, who congratulates everyone that  they've won the battle once again.
He takes out the performers  and ties them onto a pillars, forcing them into their true forms which  turns out to be lesser demons of all kinds.
The people begin killing the monsters and  sending their souls towards the crystal. Snow becomes furious as she watches  from the crowds and begins transforming, trying to kill the deity to  avenge her friends deaths. General Zhang is quickly able  to overpower her and forces her back into the human form in front  of Kui, as the man watches in shock.
He orders his pupil to slay the demon, but surprisingly, the man refuses and kneels before the god,  begging him to spare his lover's life.
Seeing that his student is defending the enemy, the deity strikes at the demon himself, but  Kui jumps in the way to protect the girl.
Their attentions are quickly  shifted when the demon lord himself arrives at the gates of the  city along side his army of monsters.
The soldiers begin to fire numerous arrows  at the enemies, but their numbers are too great and the demons manage to easily enter  the city as they break down the front gates.
The Qilin rushes out from the temple and  tries attacking the demon lord, but the creature is quickly defeated by the monster as  it get tossed around and thrown to the walls.
The demons continue towards the town center,  only to be stopped by general Zhang and Kui.
The deity tries attacking the enemies  by shooting numerous projectiles,but it wasn't effective as the demons lord  transforms into it's true form once again.
Zhang sees this and quickly  stabs Kui in the chest, forcing the man to transform as well in  order to fight off the giant monster.
The demon lord chases Kui onto the rooftops as the  man runs desperately trying to evade the attacks.
The monster jumps towards the main character  and tackles him through the buildings, but Kui is able to bite off one of heads  on the demon and manages to break free.
The warrior runs towards the  lake and jumps inside the water, trying to gain the advantage as he lures  the demon into a different environment.
The monster takes the bait by entering the water as well, which gives Kui the chance to attack him  from behind and knock him towards the walls.
The demon becomes furious and smashes the ground, causing a large shockwave that devours the  main character as he tries to run away.
Instead of killing Kui, the monster tries  to bring the man towards the surface, but the warrior wakes up and attacks  the demon by cutting off his arm.
He drags the monster onto the surface  and throws him towards the city, causing the demon to crash into the buildings.
The creature recovers quickly  from the fall and roars furiously as Kui arrives inside the location as well,but surprisingly, he allows the demon to leave  as repayment for not killing him earlier, and ignores the orders from his master.
The deity is very upset that Kui has  disobeyed him and sided with the enemy, ordering the man to kill  the snow demon right away.
The warrior arrives in the prison where the woman  is being tortured constantly by the demon seals.
After hesitating briefly, the  man frees her by cutting off the restraints and promises  to protect her from now on.
When they arrive at a house  to hide from the soldiers, Kui starts to lose control of himself as  the transformation begins to takes place.
The man laughs maniacally and attacks  the woman, pinning her to the ground, but he's quickly stopped by the lizard  demon at the order of the demon lord.
She gives him the same elixir as the deity did and explains that it's true purpose is  to calm the man's vengeful spirit.
Apparently, Kui has died a long time ago during  the final examination to becoming a scholar.
The headmaster was bribed by  the family of the students, and chose to fail Kui in order  to make room for the bribers.
The man was framed as a cheater and taken away  to executed, leaving his spirit to be restless.
He drinks the medicine in order  to regains control to his body, and plans to go to the underworld in order  to find out the truth from the demon lord.
The two arrives in hell and sees numerous demons surrounding them as the  demon lord finally appears.
The monster tells him that he's nothing more than  a vengeful spirit who's been resurrected by Zhang, in order to steal the dark  crystal from the demons.
He explains that the man was  turned into a demon by the deity, as no one but demons can enter this realm.
Kui refuses to accept this and attacks  furiously, but gets pushed back by the monster's immense aura that causes a large explosion,  eventually revealing the demon's human form.
Apparently  Zhang told the demon king to  attack the city in order to acquire more spirts to help with the demons' reincarnation,  but this created tremendous fear in the people.
as a result, they accepted the  deity as a savior without question. In truth, Zhang wants the dark crystal  for himself so that he may suck out the souls of all the demons and humans  on the night of the reincarnation, giving him great power that exceeds any God's. The demon lord believes that only  Kui can save the realms and restore them to order as he was created  by using the deity's own power. The demon extracts all his energy  and gives it to the warrior, so that he may save all the  demons from being destroyed.
The next day, Kui goes in the city and  tries to warn the people about their god, who's planning to use them as  sacrifices for his own ambition.
However  no one believes the words that he says, especially after he defended the  snow demon and helped her escape. Suddenly  the deity arrives and everyone bows in honor of their god, but Kui charges forward in anger and  continues to blame Zhang for the evil doings.
The deity uses magic and tries  to force the man to transform, while all the people begin throwing rocks at  Kui, believing that he's the true villain.
The people's animosity causes Kui to lose control and transform into his demon form  that frightens everyone around him.
The soldiers begin shooting  arrows at the main character, causing great damage as he has no where to run.
Luckily, snow arrives in time and summons  an ice storm that blocks the view, while taking her lover away from danger.
Kui is furious for being called  the villain and scream in rage, causing a large explosion inside the lake.
He runs helplessly away from the  city, and refuses to face the truth, but snow chases him behind and eventually  calms down the man using her embrace. She tells her lover to not feel ashamed  as he's done everything right, but Kui doesn't believe that it matters as they'll  all be killed by the dark crystal very soon. The two embraces closely as Kui finally  falls unconscious from the exertion.
When the man wakes up later that night,  he finds that Snow has left already, most likely to stop the deity  from destroying the people.
At the same time, Zhang unleashes  the dark crystal upon the city, and the souls of the people are  sucked away one by one into the sky. However, his ritual is interrupted by Snow, who arrives to stop the evil  god from continuing the madness. She mocks the deity for being a false god  and begins to attack him furiously using her ice powers, but Zhang counter  quickly and wards off the elements.
Snow transforms into a demon  and charges towards Zhang, as the god tries to stop her using his magic.
The woman manages to throw the crystal  into the air, and rushes forward, trying to take the stone away from the deity.
Zhang flies quickly into the sky  and traps her using his magic before Snow can grab onto the crystal.
He conjures lightning from the  sky and directs it at the demon, striking her with tremendous power and  causing her to be paralyzed in the air.
Kui smashes through the gates  and rushes into the building, only to see that a battle has already occurred.
He jumps on the rooftop and sees that Zhang  has trapped his lover in a sealing technique, which causes him to be consumed in rage.
Kui transforms violently and grabs onto the god, smashing him around like the hulk and  kicks him in the air like a ragdoll.
He charges towards the flying  deity and attacks him furiously, punching him through the buildings as a result.
Zhang recovers quickly and  strikes Kui with incredible speed, not allowing the man to counter in any way, but the main character soon locks onto the  god and charges in with a barrages of punches, forcing the enemy inside his shield.
Kui takes out his sword from the back  and strikes the god using immense force, cutting open the barrier and splitting  the old man in half using a second strike.The deity explodes in the last  moment and finally perishes, allowing snow to be released  from her prison as well.
The woman falls from the sky  as Kui rushes in to catch her, but she's mortally wounded by the previous fight. Snow tells the man that she'll  always love him and dies in his arms, while Kui screams in agony after  seeing his lover disappear forever.
The souls all begin to return to the people as  they finally realize who their true savior is, but Kui walks away emotionlessly  no matter how much he's praised.
He returns the crystal to its rightful place  and restores balance between the realms. The king of all deities offers him a place  in heaven, but Kui refuses in silence, realizing that Gods are nothing  more than hypocrite in the end. He jumps into the underworld and  transforms into his true form, finally embracing his identity as a demon.


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