Today I am going to explain a 2012 drama film called The Impossible.

Today I am going to explain a 2012 drama film called The Impossible.
On December 26, 2004, a catastrophic tsunami  struck several countries in Southeast Asia, causing enormous losses. This tsunami was  the deadliest that had ever occurred, with thousands of families losing their  lives or disappearing without a trace.  
In this story, we will tell the story of one  such family who was a victim of this tsunami. This story is based on a true story. This family  consisted of a father named Henry, a mother named Maria, and their three children named Lucas  Thomas  and Simon. 
They were on their way to Thailand for a vacation and had arrived there. They stayed in a  villa located by the beach, with a beautiful view of the sea. That night  they all had dinner together  at a restaurant located on the beach. After dinner, they continued with releasing balloons into the  air along with the rest of the family. Everyone looked very happy, considering their good fortune  and success in life. This family is the picture of a happy family that many people dream of, including  those of us who are watching this simple content.  
The next day  the family was back playing on the  beach with the ball their father had bought them.  
Meanwhile  Maria sat in the distance,  watching them with a very Happy Feeling.  
However  when night fell and everyone had gone  to bed, Maria felt an inexplicable restlessness.  
She didn't know what was going through her mind. It wasn't long before she realized that one of her children was also experiencing  the same thing, struggling to sleep.  
The next day, when all the family was relaxing  in the courtyard of the Villa, including Henry's family, they enjoyed their time together. Henry was  playing ball in the pool with his three children, while Maria sat and read a book. Suddenly, a strong  wind came and blew the paper from Maria's book.  
Just then, they began to feel the Tremors.  From the direction of the sea, the water suddenly crashed with very high waves,  destroying everything in front of it.  
Henry immediately grabbed his two children to  protect them, while Lucas decided to dive into the pool. Maria closed her eyes, ready to face  the devastating wave that was about to hit her.  
After being tossed around in the powerful waves  of water, Maria tried to Hold On by clinging to a coconut tree. She screamed with all her might,  shocked by what had just happened far beyond Her Imagination. It wasn't long before she saw her  son  Lucas  struggling in the treacherous water.  
Without hesitation, Maria immediately caught up  with Lucas. In the tense situation, where powerful waves of water kept crashing over them, the mother  and son tried to reach each other. However, their efforts were in vain as the strong current  made it difficult for them to come together.  
Not long after  a second wave that was no less  powerful came from the direction of the sea. Lucas and Maria could do nothing, but resign themselves  to the waves coming closer and hitting them.  
They were being tossed around in the water,  with objects constantly crashing into Lucas.  
Despite this  Lucas was still given a chance  to survive. He made it through the devastating wave and found an electric pole that was still  standing upright, which became his last hold on.  
Lucas cried and screamed for his mother and  father in desperation. But luckily  his mother also survived despite having injuries to her  face and entire body. Finally  Lucas and Maria were able to be together and they held  onto the coconut tree they were stuck in. 
Lucas continued to cry, then said, "I thought I  was a brave boy. But right now, I feel scared mom."  
Without hesitation, his mother immediately  hugged Lucas and tried to calm him down.  
Even though she was scared too, a mother  would be stronger than her son, right? With the last of their strength left, Lucas and  Maria stepped forward through the destroyed Garden.  
Lucas saw that his mother was badly wounded in  her thigh. The wound was very serious, with blood flowing non-stop. Maria's condition was getting  worse. However, they both kept walking, looking for help or a safe place if the tsunami waves  came again. Finally, they found a large, sturdy tree in the middle of a plantation that had  been destroyed by the tsunami. Before reaching that place, Maria used the leaves in the roots  of the branches to smother her worsening wounds.  
However, a moment later they heard the screams of  a child. They immediately looked in the direction of the sound, and found a child named Daniel who  needed help. Without hesitation, Lucas took Daniel in his arms and led him towards the large tree  they had found earlier. With great difficulty, Lucas helped his mother up the tree, using all his  strength to help her. The three now remained there, waiting for the help they hoped would arrive soon.  Daniel, whom they rescued, suddenly stroked Maria's Hair in hand. It made Maria and Lucas smile in the  midst of the disaster they had just experienced.  
Despite the difficult situation,Daniel's presence  brought a little warmth and hope to their hearts.  
In the midst of their despair, two  locals finally came to their rescue.  
Since there was no other option, they had to  drag Maria. Although the process was extremely painful, Maria tried to stay conscious and  endure the unimaginable pain in her legs.  
Eventually, the pain became too severe  and Maria  passed out. When Maria regained Consciousness, she was in the midst of people cleaning her body  and giving her clean, warm clothes. Maria felt very grateful for their help. However  then she cried  because she realized that Simon, Thomas, and her husband might not survive the disaster. A deep  sense of worry and loss came over Maria's heart.  
Then, Maria was taken away using a pickup truck. Along the way  they saw people who had suffered the same fate as Lucas and his mother, crying  with their loved ones who were injured or may not have even survived. Finally  they arrived at  a crowded and crowded evacuation center, with victims and Medics busy treating the growing  number of injured people. Although Maria was in great pain as blood continued to flow from  her leg, she finally got help from a doctor. 
Today  Maria is relieved that her wounds have been  treated, although parts of her body still feel weak.  
Lucas kept with his mother and gave her an  orange. His mother refused at first, but eventually accepted it because Lucas insisted. Now  Lucas looks  exactly like his mother did when she was healthy.  
However  his mother asked Lucas to go and help  people out there. Maria as a doctor, realizes how important help is nowadays for people who need it. Even though it may be small, it will mean a lot to others. Eventually Lucas left leaving his mother in  that place. There, Lucas swiftly collected data on people who had lost family members. 
He consistently  asked those in the vicinity. The number of people who needed Lucas's help kept increasing, as They  begged Lucas to look for their missing family members. 
Lucas accepted their requests without  hesitation, and he continued to help as much as he  could, despite the fact that his younger siblings  and his father were also missing at this time.  
And finally, Lucas's efforts paid off. the father  asked Lucas for help in finding his son, and they finally met. Lucas directed the boy to stay at his  place for a moment. then with great excitement, he ran to meet his father. At that moment, immense happiness filled both of their hearts. They both cried endlessly. Lucas  who saw the moment  with emotion, immediately ran to meet his mother . 
He wanted to share this happiness with his mother.  But when Lucas got there, he didn't find his mother.  
Instead  he found that her bed would be replaced  by someone else. Soon however  an officer approached Lucas and offered to help him find his mother.  The officer invited Lucas to go somewhere. Slowly  tears began to flow from Lucas's eyes, because he  realized that his mother was not in a good state.  
Meanwhile, on the beach, a man walks with halting  steps. The man found a ball that turned out to be Lucas. That man was Henry, Lucas's father and  Maria's husband who had survived the tsunami.  
With the last remaining effort, Henry continued  to shout for Lucas and Maria. In a tired State  he continued to walk in search of the two of them.  Finally, Henry returned to the hotel. There, he found his two sons, Thomas and Simon, who managed  to survive. How they had managed to survive is unknown, but one thing is for sure  they are still  alive. Now Henry asks Thomas to go to the mountains  and take Simon with him. He gives Thomas the task  of finding Lucas and his mother in the shelter.  
Meanwhile, Henry will continue to search for them  on the seashore. Although it is hard, Thomas finally understands and gathers the strength to take  care of his brother, as well as go to the shelter.  
Henry continued to search for Lucas and Maria  relentlessly. Even though it was very dark, he kept shouting their names. Finally  a car arrived  and took Henry to a refugee camp located in a terminal. Meanwhile, at a different shelter, Lucas  couldn't sleep and kept thinking about his mother.  
Not long after  a nurse came and invited him  to go somewhere. Apparently, that nurse took Lucas to meet his mother who had just finished  undergoing surgery and was weak. Lucas sincerely hugged his mother. He was relieved that his mother  did not die like he had been worried about. Henry continued to relentlessly search for Lucas and  Maria on the coast, where conditions were chaotic.  
Later, he went to the information center to look up  the names of his son and wife. However  their names were not there he continued to search in hospitals  and other evacuation centers. Henry continues to search with strong determination. it turns out that  Maria is in the same hospital where Henry is now.  
Suddenly  as Lucas was about to get some food, he  saw a pair of feet that he believed to be his father's feet. Without hesitation, Lucas immediately  ran and kept calling his father. Unfortunately  his father didn't hear him and suddenly disappeared.  Even so Lucas kept running and looking for his father, who had now boarded a car to continue his  journey to another hospital. Lucas was confused but not desperate. He shouted his father's name as loud  as he could, hoping that his father would hear him.  
But unexpectedly, from behind the two younger  siblings of Lucas appeared and ran up to Lucas.  
They all kept shouting and eventually hugged  each other. At that moment, the atmosphere was so emotional and touching. Shortly after their  father came over and hugged Lucas. Finally they  were all reunited. Henry couldn't stop kissing his  three children while the tears continued to flow.  
But this time the tears were accompanied by Smiles  on all of their faces. Lucas brought them all to  
meet Maria, who was in a very weak and pathetic  state. Despite her fragile state  Maria gained some strength when she saw that her husband and two  children had survived, But in truth her condition was already very critical. Now Maria was relieved  if she had to face death because she knew that her children would be well taken care of, Then the  nurse brought Maria to undergo surgery immediately.  
Starting with surgery on her chest wound. Henry as  her husband never stopped providing support and Whispering with affection in Maria's ear, Finally  Maria's surgery began. Meanwhile outside the room, Lucas and his father and two younger siblings  continued to Hope and wait for his mother's recovery, For Lucas nothing was more important in  this world than his mother's safety, As the surgery progressed and Maria was in an unconscious State  Lucas recalled the moment when the tsunami came and he felt how he almost lost his life, He knew  that at that moment, he would almost certainly die. Around him there were many floating corpses and  dead victims. However he slowly drifted through the water and eventually survived. The next morning  when Lucas woke up, Henry told him that his mother had survived, Shortly after, a representative from  the insurance company approached them, Maria was already on the plane with Henry and their three  children, Before the plane took off, Lucas hugged his mother tightly, he knew that the events they  had experienced together would never be forgotten and would always remain in their memories, Now the  plane had taken off, taking them to a safer place for Maria's treatment, Maria slowly cried but it  was not a cry of sadness but a cry of happiness, because her family was back together. Even though  the devastating tsunami had hit everyone on the beach, This movie is a true story, from one of the  families who survived the tsunami in Thailand.  
tsunami that also happened in several countries,  Let us pray for all the people who were victims of the tsunami that occurred in 2004 then the  movie ends.


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