Indian Action Drama Movie "Runway 34" Review

today we will explain a 2022 indian action drama movie Runway 34.

In the opening scene, we are introduced to Captain  Vikrant Khanna, a renowned and skilled pilot known for his courageous emergency landings. Currently  in Dubai, Vikrant arrives at his hotel after a successful landing and receives a call from a  friend who invites him to a club. Initially,Vikrant declines the invitation, saying  he has a flight to Cochin scheduled for the next day. However, when his persistent  friend continues to insist, he gives in.Upon entering the club, Vikrant notices  his friend staring at a beautiful woman,whom he considers to be out of his  league. But Vikrant is certain that he can seduce her with his good looks.  So, he proposes a bet, saying he can get the woman’s phone number. If he loses, he  will buy his friend a car, but if he wins,he will take his favorite motorcycle. The friend  promptly agrees and so the challenge begins.After drinking a few rounds, Vikrant confidently  approaches the woman and entices her with smooth talk.Then, he gets her phone number and  convinces her to join him and his friend for a party. The three then dance all night  and have a great time, before returning to their respective hotels in the early morning.  Unfortunately, because of all the drinking,Vikrant misses all his alarms and falls  behind schedule. He is eventually awoken by a call from his wife, who reminds him about their  daughter's upcoming birthday. However, Vikrant,who is known to have an exceptional memory,  assures her that he knows the date very well.As the time for departure draws near, Vikrant  hastily prepares himself and makes his way to the airport, concealing his tired eyes behind  sunglasses. Upon arrival, he meets his co-pilot,Tanya Albuquerque, and they briefly discuss  their upcoming flight. They then engage in small talk before boarding the Skyline 777 aircraft.Once everyone has arrived, Vikrant  addresses the passengers, providing them with important  information about the expected duration of the flight, the distance to their destination, and  the prevailing weather conditions. It’s almost like any other normal flight and the people  appear to be calm. But once the plane is airborne and reaches a suitable altitude, Vikrant  activates the autopilot mode and goes to sleep.After a short period of time, an engine alarm  begins to beep, and Tanya struggles to identify the cause. Fortunately, Vikrant wakes up and  quickly resolves the issue using his sharp wit.He then calls over a flight attendant and requests  a cup of black coffee, saying he is still feeling drowsy. He also whispers the name of a specific  medication, which she understands and prepares for him. When Vikrant finally receives his coffee, he  retreats to the restroom momentarily. Soon after, he returns to the cockpit and engages in  a brief conversation with his co-pilot.As time passes, it begins to rain heavily  with flashes of lightning and thunder. When the pilots check the fuel meter, they learn  that the airplane still has 4800 kilograms of fuel. Moreover, they estimate that it will take  them approximately 45 minutes to reach Cochin.Meanwhile, in the Cochin Air Traffic Control  Office, there is an elderly staff member by the name of Mr Tripathi, who continues working  despite his weak health. As the flight nears its destination, Tanya contacts the Cochin  ATC to seek permission for landing. However, Mr Tripathi informs her that the heavy rain has  significantly reduced visibility on the runway, leading to a negative response. Upon hearing  this, Tanya consults with Vikrant regarding whether they should proceed with the flight  or attempt the landing. She also lets him know that their fuel reserves are decreasing by  the second. But to her surprise, Vikrant asserts that they will proceed with the landing, despite  the challenging visibility conditions. Tanya then relays this message to the ATC, notifying them  of the critical fuel situation. As a result,Mr Tripathi finally grants them permission to  land on Runway number 27. Now, it is only a few minutes until the landing, but the rain has  become even more violent. This sadly causes the aircraft to lose communication with the ATC,  forcing them to abort the landing and fly again.In the next scene, a worried Tanya proposes  to Vikrant that they consider landing in Bengaluru as a highly secure option. She  calculates that they need 3300 kilograms of fuel to reach there, and they still  have 3900 kilograms remaining. However,Vikrant disagrees and says that they will  be heading to their original destination.He then contacts the Cochin ATC  to seek permission for landing,a request that Mr. Tripathi grants. But  unfortunately, the degrading weather once again blocks their view of the runway. Now, with  time running out and people starting to panic,Vikrant swiftly alters the flight route to the  adjacent city of Trivandrum. The plan is to land there as soon as possible. However, unbeknownst  to him, the Trivandrum ATC is busy informing other airports to deny any flights bound for them  due to an approaching storm. At the same time,Mr. Tripathi's health begins to deteriorate,  and he is replaced by another staff member.This staff member is unaware of the crucial  emergency information received from Trivandrum.On the other hand, anxiety grows among  the people awaiting the arrival of their loved ones as news spreads about the  flight diversion. Inside flight 777,the condition is even more severe. The passengers  have become restless, asking the flight attendants a series of questions. One of the passengers  onboard happens to be an aviation journalist who senses that something is amiss. When he  informs the others about it, they begin to panic and start screaming. The situation soon gets  out of hand so Vikrant himself is forced to come out of his cockpit and take charge. With a calm  voice, he urges the passengers to collaborate,saying that they all share the common  goal of reaching their destination safely.Meanwhile, at the Trivandrum ATC, the staff  members are relaxed, assuming that no flights will be landing until further notice. But much  to their dismay, they suddenly receive a landing permit from Tanya, who is aboard flight 777.The staff nervously question her whether or not they received the storm emergency notification  issued by the Cochin ATC. They further explain that the visibility on the Trivandrum runway is  significantly poorer than in Cochin, implying that it is impossible to land. They suggest  Bengaluru as an alternative landing option,but Vikrant informs them that they did not  receive any emergency notifications.He also alerts them of their critically low  fuel level. Hearing their conversation,the inexperienced Tanya begins to scream,  but Vikrant manages to keep her composed.As the aircraft nears the runway, the turbulence  intensifies, sending both the passengers and the flight attendants into a state of panic. This  finally convinces the Trivandrum ATC that it’s now or never, so they grant the aircraft permission to  land on runway 16. Vikrant slowly brings down the plane and attempts to touch the runway, but the  wheels lose traction, forcing him to abort the landing and ascend once again. Following this,  he informs the ATC that they will make another landing attempt, but this time on runway 34.  Hearing this, the ATC officials become worried and question the pilot’s decision, revealing that the  wind direction on runway 34 is horribly unsuitable for landing. They anticipate that the plane's  tail may be ripped off, but Vikrant still does not budge. With the fuel running out quickly,  he has to take matters into his own hands.After preparing himself mentally, Vikrant  instructs the passengers to hold tight as they are preparing for an emergency  landing. He then shockingly closes his eyes,and glides the plane to the ground  as safely as possible. Eventually,the aircraft touches down and begins skidding.  It almost reaches the end of the runway,but fortunately comes to a stop  in the nick of time. In this way,Vikrant has miraculously managed to land the  plane safely, despite the extreme circumstances.However, the complications do not end there.  In fact, they have just started. Vikrant and Tanya find themselves facing an investigation by  the Directorate General of Civil Aviation, DGCA,due to their extremely risky landing. The DGCA  thoroughly examines every aspect of the flight,including the Mayday distress signal issued  prior to landing. Following the investigation,DGCA officials relay the unfortunate  news that one of the passengers,  
an elderly woman, passed  away due to a heart attack.After this, the investigation findings  are forwarded to Narayan Vedant,  
a strict head of Aircraft Accident Investigation Bureau, AAIB. He will now be incharge of  finding the culprits and punishing them.Meanwhile, Vikrant struggles with guilt as  he blames himself for the old woman's death.He feels that he could have done a lot better  to help his passengers. Shortly after, Vikrant receives a distressing call from the deceased  woman's daughter, who calls him a murderer.She mentions that people like him should never be  allowed to fly aircrafts. After the call ends,Vikrant tearfully returns home, where  his wife attempts to console him,  
reminding him that if he was not the  pilot, the incident could have been  
even more tragic. Meanwhile, Narayan and  his investigative team examine the black box and gather all the information so  that they can catch the guilty party.
Later, Vikrant receives a notification from the  AAIB summoning him for the investigation that will take place the following week.Then, he gets a call from Narayan,  
who asks him to prepare for the  upcoming proceedings. However,  
Vikrant calmly responds that he has nothing  to prepare for as he has nothing to hide.In the next scene, we are introduced to the  director of Skyline Airways named Nishant.He appears to be happy due to the substantial  rise in his company's share price following the earlier incident. However, his  expression quickly changes when he  
learns that Narayan will be the one leading  the investigation. According to Nishant,Narayan conducts his investigation in a manner  that leaves no chance for the accused to escape.Amidst these events, the airplane  incident gains significant coverage  
on television. Opinions diverge, with some  blaming the pilots for the woman's death,while others commend their decision  as the best under those circumstances.The scene then transitions to Vikrant  and Tanya's first trial, which is taken  
as a high profile case. Narayan asserts that the  captain was leading the flight while exhausted,having undergone a week of non-stop flights.  He explains that pilot errors often stem from feelings of homesickness. However, Vikrant  defends himself by drawing a parallel with soldiers who fulfill their duties faithfully  despite being separated from their families for long periods. Narayan then presents Vikrant  with a bottle of Disprin, a medication accessible  
only to cabin crew and pilots. He suspects that  Vikrant consumed this drug and proceeds to use a lie detector machine to prove his point.  But surprisingly, the captain successfully passes Narayan's questioning without any issues,  leading to an adjournment of the first trial.Later that day, a meeting is conducted by the  Skyline company, where Nishant and other higher  
ups advise Vikrant to remain silent during  the trial in order to avoid jeopardizing the company's reputation. However,  the captain refuses to comply,which prompts Nishant to threaten him  with blacklisting from the entire aviation industry. He also issues the same warning  to Tanya before storming out of the place.During the second trial, Narayan subjects  Tanya to a series of questions that leaves her struggling to choose her words carefully.  Under this pressure, she reveals that the captain had red eyes before the flight and had  taken a nap shortly after takeoff. Furthermore,she discloses their disagreement over selecting  an alternative landing destination. When Vikrant claims to have had sufficient rest prior to  the flight, Narayan unexpectedly presents the woman from the Dubai club. She reveals that  they had been drinking and partying until 6 in the morning. The captain does not deny her  account and explains that he still managed to rest throughout the day. He highlights that  the flight rules stipulate a 12-hour drinking ban for pilots before flying, and the time  difference between the end of the party and the plane's takeoff was approximately 15 hours,  which proves that he hasn't violated the rules.Unwilling to give up, Narayan lists  out Vikrant's mistakes from that day,  
including hovering over Cochin for 33 minutes  and fueling the plane below maximum capacity.In response, the captain emphasizes that pilots  aren't rule makers but rather rule followers,and no responsible pilot would risk the lives  of their passengers. Narayan then shifts his attention to Tanya, who then accidentally reveals  the startling fact that Vikrant landed the plane  
with his eyes closed.This gives Narayan the  perfect opportunity to highlight the captain's irresponsibility. Furthermore, he raises the  issue of choosing the wrong runway. With these points raised, the second trial concludes without  any defense from Vikrant. When he returns home,his wife accompanies him to the house of the  deceased passenger's daughter. Although Vikrant is in a terrible mood at the moment, he offers  his heartfelt apologies to the daughter’s loss.The following day marks the beginning of the  third trial. Just before the verdict is announced,Vikrant explains that he possesses a  photographic memory of runway number 34 due to his landing experience there. To  validate his claim, he requests a reenactment of the flight using the flight simulator. The  judge approves of this, and in the next scene,we see Vikrant taking control of the plane with  a blindfold covering his eyes. Narayan is also there in the co-pilot’s seat, as he wants to  inspect everything carefully. But to his shock,the blindfolded Vikrant manages to land  the plane without even breaking a sweat.Finally, the judge comes to a conclusion and  Mr. Tripathi is dismissed for failing to relay the emergency information, while Vikrant and  Tanya's pilot licenses are suspended for three months only. Additionally, the AAIB announces  a strict investigation against Skyline Airways.The scene then shifts to three months later  when Vikrant returns to flying. At the airport,a flight attendant from Skyline approaches him and  confesses that she was the one who had consumed  
the disprin out of fear. She reveals that she had  wanted to confess earlier, but as a single mother,she was scared about losing her job. Vikrant  empathizes with her situation and reassures her,advising her not to worry. With this, he proceeds  on his way and the movie comes to an end.


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