Indian Action And Thriller Movie "War" Review.

Today I am going to explain a 2019 indian Action and thriller movie War.

in the opening scene, we see Kabir  taking a sniper rifle and targeting someone. nearby there is an old man codenamed Cobra one, who provides him with information about the target, the old man instructs Kabir to kill the target, who is a man named Fareed hakani, however to everyone's shock Kabir changes  his aim and shoots Cobra one in the head. afterwards Colonel luthra informs  their boss that Kabir has betrayed them. as Kabir is their best agent the boss asks  Colonel luthra if there is anyone who can stop him. that's when Khalid the second main character of the movie is introduced. next, we see Khalid fighting alone against  some men and defeating them. he then reports to Colonel luthra informing him that he has  completed his mission, before leaving the scene. following that Colonel luthra assigns  Khalid a new mission to find and kill Kabir. meanwhile, Khalid reminisces about  his past memories with Kabir. let's delve into their flashbacks from  two years ago, Khalid remembers Kabir arriving in a helicopter and Colonel luthra  inviting Kabir to join forces with Khalid. however, Kabir initially rejects Khalid  due to his father's criminal background. Kabir says that khalid's father is a criminal  so there is no place for Khalid and his team. but due to Colonel Luther's powerful explanation, Khalid is joined in the team. their main mission together is to capture the terrorist rizwan ilyasi . starting with targeting Isis leader Bashir Hassan, in this operation Kabir infiltrates an Isis  area and shoots a man in front of everyone. he is then captured and brought before  Bashir hasseb, where he faces physical assault, Bashir hassid discovers and destroys the  transmitter that Kabir had,believing it to be his only means of communication. however  Kabir surprises him by revealing a second hidden transmitter concealed in his teeth.  which he throws at Bashir hassib's face, simultaneously kabir's team arrives and  engages in a fight with Isis members. meanwhile, Kabir frees himself and joins  Khalid in fighting against Bashir hasseb. together Kabir and his team defeat Bashir hassib's  group. that night Kabir summons Khalid to his office where Khalid reveals a secret that nobody  else knows. his right eye has a vision defect, upon learning about khalid's condition, Kabir  initially suggests that he should leave the team, as his impaired Vision could pose a risk.  however, after hearing khalid's backstory in understanding the circumstances, Kabir realizes  his mistake and warmly welcomes Colin to the team. after a few days they receive information that  rizwan is in Morocco, they travel there and wait for rizwan's arrival. when riswin finally appears  kabir's team surrounds him, however, their operation goes awry when one of kabir's teammates  sorab betrays them and helps rizwan Escape. a fight ensues between rizwan and Kabir while sorb  flees, Khalid chases after saurabh against kabir's advice despite, the setbacks Kabir continues to  pursue rizwan alone. unexpectedly Kabir is shot in the neck and loses consciousness. he recovers  after two weeks only to discover that two of his teammates had died during the battle. and they  have no information about khalid's whereabouts, a few days later they find Khalid with injuries, now let's get back to the present day, several days later Kabir receives a phone call from Khalid.  who informs him about his plan to eliminate Kabir, in response Kabir warns Khalid that if he  doesn't shoot first, Kabir will shoot him. after their phone call Kabir boards a plane  where he faces a group of army officers. he fights them off and opens the plane's door,  using an officer to prevent anyone from escaping, the officer gets upset and asks to release. him  then Kabir asks can you fly he says no Then Kabir asks again that if you can't fly. why did you  ask him to be released, after that Kabir throws him out of the plane and leaves from there with a  parachute. while all of this is happening Colonel luthra holds khalid's team responsible for their  failure to get Kabir. meanwhile, Kabir is talking to  
a little girl called ruhi. who is this little girl,  to understand her story we jump back six months. then we can see a dancing girl called Naina. she  is ruhi's Mother, Kabir uses her to get information about rizwan from a person named fearows. Kabir  promises to give Naina money and a chance to be with ruhi again. next day Naina meets Kabir and  agrees to his plan, Kabir promises her that he will protect her but says that she doesn't trust  him. that night Naina goes to meet phiroj. after some time Naina connects a pen drive to firoz's  laptop, meanwhile Kabir receives a phone call from adidi, she sends a video to Kabir. Kabir  is surprised to see the video as it reveals that rizwan changed his face to look like fearows  through plastic surgery. at the same time pharaohs discovers naina's pen drive in his laptop, worried  Kabir rushes to the ship where Naina is staying. unfortunately, when Kabir arrives he finds that  Naina has already been killed. devastated Kabir becomes sad and starts crying, rizwan has four  main helpers known as Rook Knight bishop and Pawn. in the beginning of the story Kabir was shown  sniping an old man referred to as Bishop. later Kabir kills an army officer in  a plane known as Rook, returning to the present day, we see rizwan's third helper  named Dr bisvos. Who is referred to as Knight, Colonel luthra has sent Khalid to protect  Dr bisvos and bring him back to India. during their Journey rizwan's men  attacked them while trying to take Dr bisphos away, Kabir arrives and fights off the  attackers, taking the drive that Dr bisphos had. Khalid follows Kabir, unexpectedly Kabir suddenly  jumps into the water Khalid is unable to catch him. then Khalid asks his friend about kabir's last  mission where he learns about Naina and ruhi. Khalid goes to find ruhi and  discovers her together with Kabir. Khalid approaches them and requests to speak with  Kabir alone, they go to kabir's secret place, where Kabir shares all the information he knows about  rizwan. suddenly, they are attacked by a group of strangers but managed to successfully defeat  them. the next day they attended Dede's wedding and she is surprised and happy to see Kabir and  Khalid together. Kabir had given adidi the drive belonging to Dr biswas and she informs Kabir that,  she uncovered rizwan's plan through the drive. she reveals that rizwan is attempting to destroy  India's defense Satellite by attacking it. she gives the drive to Kabir saying that if the  satellite is destroyed, the communication with the forces on the borders will be interrupted and  in that case, they will be easily attacked by the enemy after that Kabir gives the drive to Khalid  and tells him to protect, it they leave there and travel in a boat. meanwhile Kabir drinks with  Khalid suddenly Kabir falls to the ground with blood pouring from his mouth. what happened to him  suddenly then Khalid says that he was poisoned, and Khalid says that he is the pawn that  Kabir has been searching for so long finally we can see Khalid showing his true face. he is not the real call it he is saurabh he then reveals that the real Kyle died, when he chased  him in Morocco and that day underwent plastic surgery using khalid's face to spy on them. after  that thinking that Kabir is dead, he throws Kabir into the water and goes back to meet rizwan.but unbelievably Kabir comes back to find them, Kabir Reveals His survival to everyone. he proceeds  to narrate how he uncovered the truth about sorb. realizing that it was sorb and not Khalid who had  deceived them, Kabir explains that he had suspected sorb when they were at his house. noticing that  Khalid lacked Clear Vision his suspicions were later confirmed, when he asked adidi to investigate  further and discovered that sorb had been going to work despite being suspended. additionally, they  found a missing TTX in their vault prompting Kabir to ask adidi to create an antidote and place  a tracker on the device to track rizwan's location. meanwhile, rizwin and sorb wrongly believed that  Kabir has lost a fight due to a missile launch. however they are proven wrong once again, suddenly  the location of the missile they launched changes and it turns back towards their ship. Kabir confronts rizwan at gunpoint, but to everyone's surprise sorb shoots rizwan and quickly Escapes  in a car, assuming that Kabir is dead. luckily Kabir manages to survive the ensuing explosion and gives  chase. their Pursuit results in an accidental crash, leading to a fierce fist fight between Kabir and  sorb, in a ruthless Showdown Kabir eventually kills Sora, later Kabir meets with the colonel Kabir  claims that khalid's selfless act exemplifies extraordinary patriotism, making Khalid the true  hero of the fight. therefore Kabir requests that the mission credits be attributed to Khalid the  government honors Khalid for his sacrifice and awards his mother accordingly at. the end Kabir is  with ruhi at the same time Kabir gets a call from the colonel informing him that his next mission  is Fareed haqqani.


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